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If Your Employer Does Not Provide a 401k....

Very common now, a lot of companies don't offer retirement plans.  They just don't provide the 401k or 403b retirement accounts.

Here's what you need to do...Set up a IRA account...You have to have it and sock some money in each year!  You'll have two choices, a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA.  Using the traditional will give you a tax break-your contributions will reduce your taxable income.  Any money you contribute is tax deductible...great savings on your 1040....That IRA will have to pay taxes when you do withdrawals..that's the downside, it's taxable down the road. (Just like the 401k.)

Now look at the Roth..no tax breaks but it will be tax free when you start doing withdrawals,,,and any money you contibute (your basis) is available for withdrawal.   Need money for car repairs, college, emergency..those contributions can be withdrawn.  Perfect account for emergencies and retirement..the Roth IRA!


Posted on Monday, February 16 by Registered CommenterWise Owl in | Comments Off