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John Edwards Proposes Retirement Changes

We've been very interested in the presidential candidates views on Social Security, Medicare and retirement.  As we pointed out several weeks ago-most of our candidates have been fairly quiet on these issues. 

Yesterday, John Edwards did propose new "Universal Retirement Accounts", a special tax credit to help retirement savers and a government annuity.edwards.jpg

Create Universal Retirement Accounts: Edwards will require employers to offer a new universal retirement account to all workers without another pension. Businesses will be encouraged to automatically enroll workers in a 401(k)-type portable retirement account, with automatic paycheck deductions and employer contributions. Workers will be able to build up these savings accounts over the course of their careers, regardless of how many times they change jobs. Worker contributions will be matched up to dollar for dollar on the first $500 by a new Get Ahead tax credit, which will be far more valuable than the 10 percent or 15 percent tax deduction that many workers get on retirement savings today. Edwards will also create opportunities for workers to convert their savings into government-sponsored annuities, offering fixed monthly payments for the rest of their lives and ensuring that retirees do not outlive their savings. The new annuity fund will charge minimal fees and be operated by the existing federal retirement savings plan or the Social Security Administration at no cost to the government.

Posted on Saturday, October 27 by Registered CommenterWise Owl | Comments Off